Why people give up on achieving their goals?
First, like I've said, being unprepared isn't helping anyone to achieve their goals. People need to plan, be aware of the difficulties that may come along and must know how to face them. Being unaware and unprepared to face obstacles is a reason why they fail or give up on achieve a goal.
If they're uninformed or having incomplete information, it could also be a primary reason to give up or fail.
Sometimes, it is just because they are being unrealistic and set their expectations very high. Never do that! Although I can understand it, you have to be realistic in every new project you start. This will avoid many frustration and anger that can come from not being able to do what you wanted exactly at the time you wanted it.
Another reason why people fail or give up on a goal is because they don't give themselves enough room for error; making mistakes is human...Nothing can be as perfect as we want to. Be more compliant. By doing that, you will not only avoid unnecessary stress, but it will help you improve your tactics to achieve your goals.
How I get inspiration to achieve my goals and dreams? How I sustain on keeping my motivation?
You've had inspiration to start your project...You NEED to keep being inspired to continue it and not become stagnant.
Don't wait for others to appreciate what you're doing all the time; as they have their own lives, they can't keep encourage you all the time or appreciate all your efforts. Unless you're a child, it's very rare that someone can always be present to cheer up every move you make.
To keep being inspired, you need to be passionate about what you're doing! This is really important because if you're note really into what you've started, your goal (dream, project) will likely be unsuccessful.
Your passion drives you to your goal!
So, to get inspiration to achieve your dream
1-Narrow your area of interests and make sure that this is not just a passing face, but something that you really like and would love to work over a long period of time.
2-Set out to gather as much knowledge as possible.
3- After gathering your knowledge, you will find fields that you are more interested in; gather more information on these particular fields and develop your knowledge around those. It will be more easy, after doing that, to know what you want and set your goals.
4-Decide the time frame within which you would like to reach your goals...Be specific and realistic!
5- Browse the internet, read books, go to seminars...you might be surprise!
And now, to motivate you to achieve your dream...
1- First of all...believe in yourself, be self-motivated AND self-driven. Self- motivation is the only way to keep the inspiration and the level of interest in the project you have started until the end. Being driven by others often produces negative results. Even though you feel you are being helped and encouraged at first, prolonged attention from others is often perceived as “nagging”. This often turns counter- productive.
2- Constantly update your information will help you greatly on keeping the level of motivation high. Many resources can help you, depending on your field; internet, books, researches, etc.
3- What first inspired you? Try to find and keep those things in front of you to remain inspired every day.
4- Be around self-motivated, goal-oriented or highly inspired people can greatly help you! They always spread motivation around them and you cannot be uninspired in the presence of someone like that around you.
5- Be creative and think out of the box.
6- Stop thinking SO much and jump into you (after being prepared, of course) and review your progress frequently. If you see something is not going well, try to find a solution to change it. Learn from your mistakes, without pity yourself, and move on!
7- Celebrate your success, even the small step, can help you continue being motivated. Not only you will be more happy, but you will make the hard work worthwhile.
8-Dedicate yourself but HAVE FUN! Otherwise, you will neither have the inspiration nor the motivation to carry through the end.
9-If it's too much....Take a break! Yes, do it! Don't wait to be depressed or have a burn-out or having health problems; believe me, it will be hard to get back on track after that! If you feel that you need to breathe, take a day (or 2...or more!) off and do anything you want. When you will come back to your goal, you will be more relaxed and motivated, for sure.
10- Don't give up. Like I've said in #6, ''Learn from your mistakes, without pity yourself, and move on!''. Don't think because you've made a mistake, everything is over! If your TRULY believe in what you're doing, don't give up!
11-Although I've mentioned earlier that you can't be encourage all the time, I know that support can greatly help. So find people who will, at least, give you moral support and who will not discourage you. If you talk about your project to someone who starts being negative, don't ever talk about it again with him(her) and find someone else! You never know, this person might help you find other ideas to achieve your goal or ways to improve it that you may like.
And finally..
Never compare yourself with anyone!
Don't start comparing your results with someone else because if someone succeed better than you do, you might start being negative and it will discourage you. Everyone works differently and each goal is unique on its own. Also, you have to consider all the factors that come into play: Did you had the same finances when you started? Did someone helped you? Were you encouraged when you started your project, at least a bit?
What ever the reason is, there's always a reason. And other than concentrate yourself in your goal, instead of comparing yourself with others, you can't change anything about that...for the moment :) If you think, however, that some things have to be reviewed, than do so. Or, if you know that person very well, maybe you can ask her some tips?
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