Thursday, February 3, 2011

Inspiration to write

"If you would be a writer, first be a reader. 
Only through the assimilation of ideas, thoughts and philosophies can one begin to focus his own ideas, thoughts and philosophies."
Allan W. Eckert

You're sitting in front of your computer, open a new document to start writing...and you have a complete blank, staring at the screen. Is that ever happened to you?

Even good writers go through moments were they lack of inspiration, so don't start to panic if it happens. Either if it's for a school paper, a blog, a website, a short story or a novel, an article, etc. you can overpass your blank page paralysis and find ways to find inspiration to your writings.

Every writers need, from time to time, inspiration to write and sometimes, it can come from simple things in your daily life.

Ways to find inspiration

1-Read a lot: Reading what others have already written may be a great way to spark a few ideas that, otherwise, you wouldn't have had.

2-Blogs and forums: Of course, in forums, it is very rare that someone will write with style and/or beauty; they are writing to express ideas and deploy information.

Either in a blog or a forum, you can find great ideas and maybe read what works for others will help you find your own inspiration.

3-Movies and Theaters: It can be something that a character will say, the camera work or the actors act, the decor or the landscapes, etc. 

4-Dialogs: Whether it is while you are talking with friends or because you are overhearing an interesting dialog, you may find great inspiration in those conversation. A tip: Always keep a notebook with you and write down what you like in it.

5-Nature: Go for a walk or a run, go to the park or a lake, watch a sunset or a sunrise... Just admire the beauty of the nature and let the inspiration flow through you.

6-Art and Photography: For art, it doesn't have to be a classical work and you don't need to own one to be inspired by it; you can browse the internet for some artist work and put it on a folder or you can find inspiration from local artist on your area or

For photography, you can find inspiration through your old albums, by searching a picture you like on the internet, on or can be also a picture in a magazine, the newspaper or in a book.

7-Music: Put some music when you try to write; sometimes, a good memory can come up while listening to a particular song...a feeling...a smell..

8-Write a journal: Keep a journal can help you practice your writing as well as helping you finding inspiration. How? Just by writing down thoughts, quotes, inspirations...or simply something funny about your day! You can basically write anything you want so... improvise. When you need inspiration, simply go back to this journal.  

Instead of doing a "personal" journal, make a dream journal! The best way to keep a dream journal is, as soon as you awake, to write down anything you remember about your dream.  It can be interesting!

9-Watch people: Go somewhere...anywhere...preferably in a busy public place and watch the people around you. It can not only be distracting, but it will certainly amuse you :) Plus, humanity is one of the most inspiring "thing" in this world.

Or, you can also pay more attention to your friends, family, co-workers, etc.; you might find great inspiration in there as well.

10-Google it!: Simply search the topic you want to write about on Google and you will certainly find great resources to help your creativity.

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